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What is a Guardian Angel?

A guardian angel is a spirit or energy that looks out for and protects a person here in the physical world. A guardian angel is an entity that tries to make things better for the person. The spirit is thought to try to help a person find their direction in life. The spirit is also thought to help move energy toward a positive path. Guardian angels are believed to protect a person from physical harm during an accident. The spirit may also help a person when any physical threats come to them. An example of a physical threat would be a car accident.

What is an angel psychic reader?

There are many different types of psychic readers. Some psychics use spirit guides to help them during a psychic reading. The spirit guides give messages to the psychic reader who then gives the message to the person during a reading. Some psychic reader's spirit guides are angels who are believed to communicate messages from heaven. 

6 Steps to Create a Vision Board

If you’re looking for an extra boost of positivity or you’re trying to accomplish a specific goal, creating a vision board, similar to creating a board on Pinterest, can lead you in the right direction. Vision boards are sometimes called dream boards, treasure maps or vision maps. Whatever you want to call it, the board is a collection of pictures, images and affirmations that either make you happy or urge you to accomplish whatever goals you have set for yourself.

6 ways to make your psychic energy positive

Psychic energy is the energy in a person's personal space.  It can be positive energy or negative energy.  It is important to keep your psychic energy clear because it can affect how others perceive you and how you feel on a day to day basis.  


People have a lot of questions regarding their soulmate and their destiny.

Destiny is simply the actions or paths you take through life. Your soulmate is a person with whom you have a connection. A soulmate could be described a significant part of your destiny. Your destiny is determined by your choices. Karma records those choices and makes sure that we are presented with opportunities to balance the universal scales.

5 ways to Feng Shui your office

Everyone wants their office to be a productive, free flowing energy space.  In order to maximize positive energy in your office here are 5 quick tips for success.  

1.  Choose an office where the door and window are not directly facing each other.  Once you welcome good energy into your office, you don't want the good energy leaving and blowing straight through.  

6 ways to find hope in a dreary situation

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.  But what happens if the lemonade requires a little water and sugar to taste sweet, and you don't have those ingredients?  When things seem to turn for the worse after being bad, it can seem like a hopeless situation.  There has to be a way to turn hopeless into hopeful and deal with the negative experiences.  


People talk about finding their soul mate all of the time. What exactly is a soul mate? A common definition is that a soul mate is a person who loves, understands, and accepts every aspect of your personality. This leads to the expectation that life with a soul mate is easy.  Not so fast! Being in tune with each other does not guarantee success in a relationship. A relationship can break apart if love, respect, and communication are not a steady component. Do not take your relationship for granted. Relationships need to be nurtured, or they will die.

Karmic Influence

Karma is a word used often. It simply means "what comes around, goes around." If you are in a strange relationship, perhaps it is being influenced by a past life karmic influence. Perhaps you owe this person a karmic debt. One example would be hanging on to a love relationship that is somewhat one-sided. Do you feel responsible for the happiness of another person? Does it seem impossible to step away from a situation that appears odd at first glance? Is the person you are involved with somehow needy and lacking? Do you feel that you have to take care of them?

What is the sixth sense?

Some people may find that there is a sixth sense to be a creepy idea, however it is actually scientifically proven that humans have a sixth sense.  Some people are more in tune with their sixth sense than others.  The regular five senses are sight, sound, touch, taste and smell.  The sixth sense is the ability to tune into the human spiritual side to perceive something that isn't necessarily there in the physical sense.  The sixth sense is psychic energy.  When someone is tuned into their sixth sense, they can feel energy.