The Violet Chakra: Exploring the Crown of Enlightenment
The Violet Chakra: Exploring the Crown of Enlightenment
Let's delve into the significance of the Violet Chakra.
Did you know that human beings radiate a low level of electricity at all times?
Scientists would call this our electromagnetic field. But many ancient practices and philosophies call that field an "aura".
Aura's shift and change as we move through the inevitable ups and downs of life. And if your life has been a little more down than up lately, you may be emitting a black aura.
But before we get into that, let's find out more about what an aura is in the first place.
What is the meaning of a Rainbow Aura?
A Rainbow Aura is a very positive sign, associated with paranormal abilities and enlightenment. It represents the aura surrounding psychics, mediums and other spiritually advanced people.
It also involves an aura of colors "brighter than bright" surrounding such a person - brighter than any rainbow!
[1] The color spectrum of that light permeating around someone who possesses this sign can shift to include brilliant white and gold in addition to the more usual colors seen in our normal world.
You've probably heard the word bandied about in the wellness community. Balancing your chakras. Aligning your chakras. Sound familiar?
But what exactly is a chakra anyway? Does it matter in my everyday life? Should I bother learning more about this esoteric concept?
The short answer: absolutely yes!
Chakras have the power to transform your life. That's exactly why you hear spiritually connected professionals like yoga teachers and massage therapists talk about them.
Halloween is a time for kids to dress up in their best costumes, go door-to-door collecting candy, and generally have fun.
What many people do not realize is that Halloween has deep spiritual significance. It's quite unfortunate that festivities undermine this special date.
Have you been feeling moody lately? If so, your dreams may be the reason why.
We all experience bad moods from time to time. To learn more about dream moods, let's first look at what a bad dream is. Bad dreams can happen for many reasons.
They usually occur when something happens in the person's life that makes them feel scared or stressed out. In this blog post, we will highlight what dream moods are and how they affect our lives.
So whenever you're ready to dive deep into the ephemeral world of shuteye, keep reading.
People often describe themselves as old souls for a reason. They feel like they've been around forever and have seen everything. The term is tossed around casually, but what does it really mean?
To understand the concept of an old soul, you first need to know about reincarnation. When someone dies, their soul moves on to another body or form to continue its journey through life.