If you are looking for some of the best Psychic Books of the year, then you are in luck.
The Psychic Line has put together a list of some of the Top 5 Best Selling Psychic Books on Amazon.com for 2010. Paramount Solutions does not endorse any of these books, we have put together this list as a Free Resource for visitors only.
Why Am I Psychic? by Elizabeth
Elizabeth takes you on a journey through human consciensnes, the laws of the Universe, and your own intuition to develop skills and insight as to navigate your experience in the manifested world with clarity, purpose, courage and strength regardless of any outer circumstance. A must read for anyone wishing to master their own destiny with grace, poise and unwavering faith.
5 of The Top Selling Psychic Books on Amazon for 2010
Psychic Development for Beginners by William W. Hewitt
William Hewitt maintains that everyone is born with some degree of psychic ability. That, if they knew how to access and utilize their inborn psychic abilities they could succeed at everything they turned their mind to, from solving everyday problems to enjoying dynamic and fulfilling relationships. Psychic Development For Beginners shows some fast, easy ways to unleash personal psychic force and become a happy, healthy, fully developed human being.
Discover Your Psychic Type: Developing and Using Your Natural Intuition by Sherrie Dillard
Intuition and spiritual growth are inherently linked, according to professional psychic and therapist Sherrie Dillard. This groundbreaking guide offers a personalized approach to spiritual development, introducing four different psychic types and revealing how to develop the unique talents of each. Designed for both beginning intuitives and advanced psychics, this book presents a simple, step-by-step plan.
Psychic: My Life in Two Worlds by Sylvia Browne
Sylvia Celeste Shoemaker was born into what she describes as a 300-year psychic family legacy. Inheriting her gifts directly from her Grandmother Ada, her psychic abilities would lead to best selling books, including The Other Side and Back, numerous tapings of The Montel Williams Show and Larry King Live, and even a guest appearance on The Young and The Restless. With humor, candor, and clarity, Shoemaker, founder of the Novus Spiritus Gnostic Christian Church, shares everything from doppelgängers to past lives.
The Psychic Pathway: A Workbook for Reawakening the Voice of Your Soul by Sonia Choquette Ph.D.
A practical, step-by-step, 12-week interactive program that teaches you how to develop the intuitive sense that lies within you and to live in accordance with the soul's purpose by discovering your center of spiritual power. The Psychic Pathway refines intuition into a life-enhancing tool that can be used every day.
You Are Psychic: The Art of Clairvoyant Reading & Healing by Debra Lynne Katz
Clairvoyance is the ability to see visual information through extrasensory means. It is like watching a movie unfold before your eyes, or dreaming while you are awake. According to Debra Lynne Katz, anyone who can visualize a simple shape or color has basic clairvoyant ability that can be developed. The only book of its kind that focuses solely on clairvoyance, You Are Psychic will provide you with invaluable tools you can use in your everyday life for guidance, healing, protection, manifestation, and creativity.
You can find and purchase any of these featured books by doing a brief search for the title on Amazon.com.
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