The divination practice of reading salt patterns created when salt is tossed into the air and falls onto the ground, floor, or into a fire. Alomancy can reveal hidden truths and predict future events through these salt formations.
An apparition is the visible manifestation of a ghost or spirit. It can also refer to a visual image or scene that appears in front of the observer, often associated with paranormal phenomena.
Astral Body:
The astral body refers to a person’s non-physical counterpart, believed to exist in the astral plane. It is often seen as a spiritual double or energy field that can travel separately from the physical body.
Astral Projection:
Astral projection is an out-of-body experience where an individual’s astral body is said to travel beyond the physical body. It is achieved through deep meditation, lucid dreaming, or specific travel techniques that allow the soul to explore distant locations or realms.
Astrology involves interpreting the positions of celestial bodies like planets and stars at the time of your birth. Astrologers use this data to predict future events, analyze personality traits, and uncover spiritual influences in your life based on the zodiac signs.
Auras are electromagnetic energy fields surrounding all living beings. Some individuals have the ability to see or sense the color and vibrational patterns of these auras, interpreting them for health, emotional states, and spiritual insight.
Automatic Writing:
Automatic writing is a form of psychic communication where an individual enters a meditative or trance state, allowing a message from an external source, such as a spirit or guide, to be conveyed through writing without conscious thought.
Bibliomancy is a form of divination where sacred texts, most often the Bible, are randomly opened to passages, with the verses interpreted to provide prophetic insights and guidance.
Biofeedback is a technique that uses real-time data to help individuals become aware of and control their physiological functions, such as heart rate or muscle tension, for improving physical or mental health.
Black Magic:
Black magic refers to spells, rituals, or practices intended to cause harm, misfortune, or control others. It is often considered the opposite of white magic, which seeks to bring about positive changes.
Candle Reading:
Candle reading is a form of divination in which the behavior of a candle flame or the wax patterns formed as it melts is interpreted to provide insights into the future or resolve problems.
Cartomancy involves using a deck of cards (excluding tarot cards) for fortune-telling. This can include playing cards, fairy cards, or oracle cards, with each card's symbolism providing valuable insights.
Causimomancy is the practice of divination by observing how objects behave when burned, particularly in fire. The resulting patterns or reactions are believed to offer messages or insights into specific situations or future events.
A channel is a person with the ability to receive and transmit messages from non-physical entities, such as spirits or guides. Channels act as mediums for communication between the living and the spiritual realms.
A charm is an object imbued with protective or magical properties, often worn or carried to bring good luck, ward off negativity, or provide spiritual protection.
A clairvoyant is someone with the ability to see beyond ordinary perception, often receiving visual information from the spiritual realm. This can include seeing past events, future occurrences, or visions of the unseen world.
Clairaudience is the ability to hear beyond the normal range of human hearing. A clairaudient can hear messages from spirits, angels, or other non-physical entities, often providing guidance or insights to others.
Clairsentients have the ability to receive and interpret information through a combination of physical senses, such as sight, smell, touch, or feeling. They can pick up emotional or energetic imprints from people, places, or objects.
Clairscentience is the ability to detect smells beyond the normal range of human perception, often providing intuitive insights or connecting with the spirit world through specific scents or aromas.
Crystal Ball:
Crystal ball gazing is the practice of using a clear or quartz crystal ball to focus on visions or receive psychic messages. It is often used in scrying or fortune-telling to gain clarity about the future or uncover hidden truths.
Déjà vu:
Déjà vu is the phenomenon where a person feels that they have experienced a situation before, even though it is happening for the first time. It is often considered a type of psychic or spiritual experience.
Dematerialization refers to the disappearance or fading of objects or living beings, often associated with paranormal phenomena or spiritual experiences where physical matter seems to dissolve.
A doppelganger is a non-physical twin or double of a person. It is often considered a paranormal occurrence, with doppelgangers sometimes appearing as spirits or manifestations of one’s alternate self.
Dream Interpretation:
Dream interpretation involves analyzing and understanding the messages or symbolism hidden within dreams. Psychics or interpreters may use dreams to predict future events or gain insight into a person’s emotional and psychological state.
An empath is someone who can deeply sense and experience the emotions, thoughts, and feelings of others as if they were their own. Empaths are highly intuitive and sensitive to the energies of those around them.
ESP (Extrasensory Perception):
ESP refers to the ability to perceive information beyond the ordinary five senses. This includes abilities like telepathy, clairvoyance, and precognition, allowing individuals to access knowledge from the spiritual realm or distant locations.
Exorcism is the practice of removing or expelling evil spirits or demons from individuals, animals, or locations that are believed to be possessed. It involves rituals or prayers designed to cleanse and protect from negative energies.
Feng Shui:
Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese practice focused on the harmonious arrangement of environments to promote the flow of positive energy (Chi). It is believed to influence health, wealth, and personal well-being by balancing natural elements.
Guardian Angel:
A guardian angel is a spiritual being assigned to protect and guide a person throughout their life. Guardian angels are believed to offer help, protection, and guidance during difficult times or life challenges.
A guide is a spiritual entity or being that assists individuals in their personal or spiritual growth. Guides can include angels, ancestors, or higher beings who offer wisdom, protection, and direction.
A haunting refers to the presence of spirits or unexplained phenomena that persist in a location over time. It may include apparitions, noises, or other supernatural events believed to be connected to the spirits of the past.
A hex is a type of curse or spell intended to bring harm or bad luck to someone. It is often seen as a form of black magic and can have a negative influence on the target’s life.
I Ching:
The I Ching, or "Book of Changes," is an ancient Chinese system of divination that uses a set of hexagrams to interpret spiritual guidance. It is a powerful oracle for decision-making, understanding the flow of energy, and uncovering hidden patterns in life.
Intuition refers to the ability to understand or know something instinctively, without the need for conscious reasoning. It is often considered a form of psychic awareness, providing insights, guidance, or protection in various situations.
Insight is the ability to perceive or understand complex situations through psychic or intuitive abilities. It involves analyzing information and gaining a deeper understanding of personal challenges, future outcomes, or hidden truths.
Karma is the belief that one's actions (good or bad) will return to them in the future. It is the law of cause and effect that governs the spiritual and moral consequences of one's actions, influencing future experiences and life circumstances.
Levitation is the paranormal phenomenon where objects or living beings appear to defy gravity and float or rise into the air. This can be achieved through psychic power, magic, or spiritual forces.
Lucid Dreaming:
Lucid dreaming is the practice of being consciously aware while dreaming. Dreamers can control the direction of their dreams, experiencing heightened clarity and the ability to influence the dream's narrative, often leading to self-discovery and spiritual growth.
Lucky Charm:
A lucky charm is an object believed to bring good fortune, protection, or positive energy. Often imbued with spiritual or magical properties, these items are carried or worn for their ability to attract luck and prevent misfortune.
Magic involves the use of supernatural or paranormal forces to influence events or outcomes in the physical world. Practitioners of magic may harness energies, perform rituals, or cast spells to bring about desired changes.
Meditation is the practice of focusing the mind to achieve a state of deep relaxation, mental clarity, or spiritual connection. Through meditation, individuals can access higher states of consciousness, tap into their inner wisdom, and develop psychic abilities.
A medium is an individual with the ability to communicate with spirits, angels, or guides from the other side. Mediums act as conduits, conveying messages and guidance from deceased loved ones or other spiritual entities.
Metaphysics explores the nature of reality, existence, and the universe beyond traditional physics. It delves into spiritual concepts, including energy, consciousness, and the unseen forces that govern life and the cosmos.
A mystic is someone who seeks a deeper connection with the divine, often through metaphysical practices, spiritual insight, or esoteric knowledge. Mystics believe in transcending the physical realm to uncover higher spiritual truths.
Near Death Experience:
A near-death experience (NDE) occurs when an individual has a life-threatening situation and temporarily leaves their body, often reporting vivid spiritual experiences, such as seeing a bright light or encountering deceased loved ones, before returning to life.
Necromancy is a form of divination or magic that involves communicating with the spirits of the deceased. Often conducted through séances or rituals, necromancy seeks to gain insights from the beyond or influence the spirit world.
Numerology is the study of the mystical significance of numbers. By analyzing numbers derived from a person's birth date, name, or other significant factors, numerologists predict life events, personality traits, and spiritual paths.
An oracle is an individual, object, or source that provides prophetic insight or guidance. Oracles are often consulted for future predictions, spiritual advice, or wisdom from the divine or spiritual realms.
Ouija Board:
The Ouija board is a tool used for spirit communication during a séance. Participants use a planchette that moves across letters and numbers, spelling out messages believed to come from spirits or otherworldly entities.
Out of Body Experience:
An out-of-body experience (OBE) occurs when an individual's consciousness separates from their physical body, allowing them to observe the physical world from an external perspective. OBEs can happen spontaneously or through practices like astral projection.
Palmistry, also known as chiromancy, is the art of reading the lines and shapes of a person's hands to predict future events, personality traits, and life paths. Palmists analyze the hands' unique features to uncover hidden meanings.
The paranormal encompasses events, experiences, or phenomena that cannot be explained by conventional science or natural laws. This includes ghosts, spirits, UFOs, and other unexplained occurrences that fall outside the realm of the normal.
Parapsychology is the study of psychic phenomena, including telepathy, clairvoyance, and other extrasensory abilities. It seeks to understand and explore the existence and nature of paranormal abilities and experiences.
Past Life Regression:
Past life regression is a technique used to access memories or experiences from past lives. This can be achieved through hypnosis, guided meditation, or psychic readings, allowing individuals to explore their spiritual history and uncover past-life influences.
A pendulum is a tool used in divination to answer yes/no questions or gain insights. The pendulum is swung over a surface with marked symbols, words, or letters, and its movement is interpreted to provide answers from a spiritual or psychic source.
Pet Psychics:
Pet psychics possess the ability to communicate with animals on a psychic level. They can sense and interpret an animal's thoughts, emotions, and needs, offering guidance to pet owners or assisting with behavioral issues or health concerns.
Phrenology is the study of the shape and size of a person’s skull, with the belief that the bumps and contours reveal information about their personality, character traits, and mental faculties.
A poltergeist is a type of spirit or ghost that is known for causing physical disturbances, such as moving objects, making noises, or creating chaos. Poltergeists are often associated with intense emotional energy or unresolved trauma.
Precognition is the ability to foresee future events before they occur. Individuals with precognitive abilities can predict outcomes, allowing them to prepare or avoid certain situations based on their insights.
A prediction is a statement or forecast about future events. It is often based on psychic abilities, astrological insights, or intuitive guidance, offering a glimpse into what may happen.
A prophecy is a message or prediction revealed through spiritual means, often considered divinely inspired. Prophecies can provide insight into future events, societal changes, or personal destinies.
PSI (Paramount Solutions, Inc.):
PSI refers to all psychic phenomena and abilities, including telepathy, clairvoyance, and psychometry. It is also the abbreviation for Paramount Solutions, Inc., our company specializing in psychic readings and spiritual guidance.
A psychic is an individual with heightened extrasensory perception (ESP), able to read energy, foresee future events, and communicate with the spiritual realm. Psychics often provide guidance, healing, and insight through their abilities.
Psychic Healing:
Psychic healing involves using spiritual energy or intuition to diagnose and heal physical, emotional, or spiritual ailments. Psychics often sense energy blockages or imbalances and work to restore harmony and well-being.
Psychic Medium:
A psychic medium is someone who acts as an intermediary between the living and the spirit world. They receive messages from deceased loved ones, spirits, or guides, offering closure, insight, and guidance to the living.
Psychometry is the ability to gain information about an object or person by touching or holding it. Psychometrists can sense emotions, memories, or past events associated with the object, revealing hidden truths or connections.
A reading is an intuitive or psychic session where a person seeks guidance or insight from a psychic, medium, or intuitive. Readings can offer advice on love, career, health, and personal growth, helping individuals navigate life's challenges.
Reiki is a healing technique that involves channeling universal life force energy to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. Reiki practitioners use their hands to direct energy to areas of the body that need balancing and restoration.
Regression is the process of accessing past life memories or experiences, often through hypnosis or meditation. This practice helps individuals understand the influences of past lives on their current life path and emotional well-being.
Remote Viewing:
Remote viewing is the ability to perceive or describe distant locations, objects, or events using only the mind, without physical presence. It is a form of extrasensory perception that allows individuals to "see" beyond their immediate environment.
Runes are ancient symbols used in divination and magic, originating in Scandinavia. Each rune carries a specific meaning or power, and they are used in readings to provide guidance, insights, or predictions about the future.
Scrying is a method of divination that involves gazing into a reflective surface, such as a crystal ball or mirror, to receive visions or information from the spiritual realm. It is often used to uncover hidden truths or gain insight into future events.
A séance is a spiritual gathering led by a medium to communicate with the spirits of the deceased. Through trance or channeling, participants may receive messages from loved ones or other spiritual entities during the session.
The soul is considered the eternal, non-physical essence of a person. It is the core of one's identity and consciousness, often believed to continue existing beyond the physical death of the body.
A spell is a ritual or set of words that are believed to have magical power to influence events or outcomes. Spells are often cast to bring about desired changes, such as love, protection, or prosperity.
A spirit is the non-material essence of a being, often referring to the soul or consciousness that exists beyond the physical body. Spirits may communicate with the living through mediums, dreams, or other paranormal phenomena.
Sun Sign:
Your sun sign is determined by the position of the sun in the zodiac at the time of your birth. It plays a major role in your personality traits, life path, and astrological profile.
A talisman is an object believed to possess magical or protective qualities. It is often carried or worn to bring good fortune, ward off evil, or promote health and success.
Tarot is a deck of 78 cards used in divination. Each card represents specific themes, symbols, and messages, which a psychic reader interprets to provide insight into past, present, or future situations.
Tarot Reading:
A tarot reading involves using a Tarot deck to perform a card spread, with the reader interpreting the symbols and meanings to provide answers, guidance, or predictions.
Telepathy is the ability to transmit thoughts, feelings, or information directly from one mind to another, without verbal communication or physical signals.
White Magic:
White magic is a form of magic used for positive or healing purposes. It is often associated with benevolent spells, rituals, and practices designed to promote well-being, protection, and good fortune.
Wicca is a modern pagan religious movement based on witchcraft and nature worship. It involves rituals, spellcasting, and reverence for the elements, the Earth, and the divine.
A witch is someone who practices witchcraft, a form of magic that involves casting spells, working with the elements, and invoking supernatural forces for various purposes.
Witchcraft is the practice of using magic, spells, and rituals to influence events or outcomes in the physical world. It is often rooted in ancient traditions, folklore, and nature-based spirituality.
Yin Yang:
Yin Yang represents the dualistic forces of the universe, where opposites complement and balance each other. The concept emphasizes harmony, balance, and the interconnectedness of all things.
Yoga is a spiritual and physical practice that integrates meditation, breathing techniques, and physical postures to enhance flexibility, mental clarity, and inner peace. It is used to connect the body, mind, and spirit.
Zen is a form of meditation focused on mindfulness and achieving a state of concentrated awareness. It encourages living in the present moment and gaining spiritual enlightenment through stillness and contemplation.