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5 ways to Feng Shui your office

Everyone wants their office to be a productive, free flowing energy space.  In order to maximize positive energy in your office here are 5 quick tips for success.  

1.  Choose an office where the door and window are not directly facing each other.  Once you welcome good energy into your office, you don't want the good energy leaving and blowing straight through.  

2.  Plan you office with ease of productivity in mind.  The most important way to be successful in your business endeavors is to make sure you can be productive in your space.  Clear clutter, keep the space simple, get rid of unused paperwork and focus on the basic set up of the office.  

3.  Bring plants in.  Plants in your office are natural air purifiers.  Bringing them into your office will allow for fresh breathing and a clear head while working.  

4.  Face your desk in a commanding position.  Do not put your back to the entryway of your office.  Make sure you are facing the entryway to your office.  If you have a cubicle, use art on the wall you face in order to make the wall disappear and not set boundaries to your creativity.  

5.  Research Feng Shui more to bring the 5 elements into the correct positions for your goals.  Feng Shui is a huge area of study so there is a ton of research to do.  It is also very personalized for a certain space, certain energy and certain goals of a person.