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Intuition is your gift

Intuition - Your gift
How often do you just know something may happen?  Deja vu? Do you experience a sensation that appears quickly regarding a situation? This feeling seems to have no rhyme or reason. But, there it is. Think of intuition as the bridge between our functioning, awake state of mind and the underlying unconscious mind. 

Angels and Guardian Angels

Angels and Guardian Angels 

It has been a rough month for many people. We wanted to share this information to provide comfort. We saw many angels in action this month. 

7 ways to increase your vibration

7 ways to increase your vibration 

We talk about how energy is important all of the time. Most of us can tell when someone has excellent energy. When we talk about good energy, we are talking about people who are operating at a higher vibration. Higher vibration equals clearing negativity and bringing in positive energy. When your vibration is increased, you abundance may increase because you become a positive energy magnet. 

Here are 7 ways to increase your vibration - 

We are praying for Las Vegas

We are horrified to learn of the shooting in Las Vegas. We pray for the victims, the heros, the first responders, the hospital and emergency staff. Please pray for healing for our country and our world as we try to pick up the pieces. Most of our office staff life directly next to Pulse Nightclub. The information of another mass shooting in a place where people were out having a good time is too much for us to grasp. 

Psychic Abilities and Increasing Intuition

Being psychic and having intuition are only half of the gift. You can foster the gift to help yourself and people around you. Being awoken to the beauty of the gift is important and probably the reason so many of our followers found us.

Can You Feel Your Intuition?

You are probably psychic or have some intuitive ability. It is up to you to learn from it and learn about your gift.

How to calm yourself quickly

How to calm down when things are crazy

We have many highly sensitive people who work with us and who call us. Being highly sensitive is an asset to your life. You are more likely to have intuition and be able to use it. BUT, you also have to protect yourself and learn specific self care that includes being able to calm yourself. 

Sending love your way

In the past week, we have had many clients really upset - not with us, but with many things that are happening in their lives and in the world. We always strive to be a positive space online. We also strive to be helpful to our clients in need. 

The world may seem crazy right now. We believe and have faith for peace in the future.