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7 Ways to tell if your partner is your soulmate

It can be very difficult to determine if your partner is your soulmate. He or she may be nice, but that does not mean he or she is your actual soulmate. Here are some things to look for in your relationship that could signal that he or she is the one. 

Is he cheating? 9 signs your lover is cheating.

There are ways to tell if your lover is cheating. Here are 9 signs your significant other is cheating:

1. Suddenly paying attention to how he looks. If he suddenly loses weight or starts with a more kept physical appearance, it could be a cause of alarm. 

2. Constantly guarding his cell phone and guarding his cell phone. Let's say he used to come into the house and leave his phone on the counter to charge, then suddenly he keeps tabs on the phone constantly. He will also grab the phone quickly if there is a new message or text. 

Psychic Readings That Came True

The Psychic Line by Paramount Solutions, Inc. has been in business for almost 20 years.  During that time we have tested many readers and talked to many wonderful clients.  Several test readings stand out.   It is fun when the information contained in a reading actually comes to fruition.  Several fun examples come to mind:  

Mercury Retrograde in Libra 2015

A Mercury Retrograde starts on September 17, 2015 and goes direct on October 9, 2015.  To add to the fun there will be a solar eclipse on September 13th and a lunar eclipse on September 27th which might have some influence on this retrograde.  These additional factors should highlight romance and relationships. This generally means that your relationships should improve - allowing serenity and balance to prevail.

Soulmate or Life Partner or Both?

It is important to determine if the person you are dating is your soulmate or life partner. Hopefully, the person you are in love with is actually both your soulmate AND your life partner. It doesn't always work out that way and it can be hard to determine where you stand with the person you are married to or dating. 

A soulmate is a person who is perfectly suited for you. They make you feel whole. You are in love with his or her flaws. You feel like you have known them before and are comfortable with them. You have a strong attraction to each other. 


Venus went into retrograde on July 25th.  Venus retrogrades about every 18 months.  Venus usually brings up images of cupid, romance, love, flowers and all sorts of wonderful things.  This is a fairly common retrograde.  It provides us with the opportunity to focus on love and relationships and expose the areas that need work.  This is probably a good time to share our deepest thoughts and how you feel about your current or old relationship.  It is generally not a good time to start something new in the area of relationships.

Love Psychics

Talking to a love psychic may be very helpful in sorting out your relationship issues.  Relationships can take many twists and turns.  An insightful psychic reading from a clairvoyant or tarot card reader may be able to help guide you toward a better understanding of what is going on with your love relationship.

Summer Love 2015 Astrological Forecast

As summer heats up, so does summer love.  This summer will probably begin with a big dose of passion.  Early summer should be very exciting for those in romantic relationships.

However, summer love may seem to go off track from the end of July until the beginning of September.  Venus, which we all know rules love and relationships, will be going into retrograde.

Twin Flame Soul Mates

What is a twin flame soulmate?  A commonly held explanation is that when your soul was formed, it was complete.  This "soul" was then split into two more completely and wholly different entities.  Greek mythology mentions that humans originally had four legs, four arms and one head that presented two faces. Humans were also considered to be three genders: men (sun), women (earth), and other (moon).  According to the story, humans possessed great strength and threatened the Gods.

Soul Mates

Spring is here and love is in the air.  When thoughts turn to love, people often focus on finding their soul mate.  What exactly is a soul mate?  A common definition is that a soul mate is a person that loves, understands, and accepts every aspect of your personality.  The expectation is that life with a soul mate will be perfect and easy.