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Kiersten is one of our newest clairvoyant psychic mediums

Kiersten is our newest, tested clairvoyant psychic medium. She is extremely versatile. Along with being a clairvoyant psychic medium, she can use Tarot cards on request. She has been over 30 years of experience. 

Kiersten is very spiritual and sensitive. When we tested her, she was excellent with short term timing. She is well rounded and works with love, relationships, work, spirituality, pets, timing of events and she picks up on other people in your life.

We have new client and current client specials for a reading with Kiersten. 


Phoenix is our newest tested clairvoyant psychic medium

Phoenix is a clairvoyant psychic medium who is also very empathic. She is a natural born psychic. She was accurate in her test readings with relationships, business, life questions, general readings and picking up on spirit. She loves to help with relationship issues. She can tune into your vibrational energy and the energy of those around you in order to provide you with insight into your unique situation. She has light, uplifting energy. She can focus on the past, present and future. 

7 Tips for an accurate psychic medium reading

A reading from a psychic medium is often sought after, yet sometimes misunderstood reading. People have watched television dramatizations of mediumship where tables shake, lights flicker on and off, candles are snuffed, people feel chilled and then the medium appears to be taken over by a spirit that actually may use the medium as a channel. This occurrence often involves some sort of strange voice from a spirit that takes over the conversation. Please keep in mind that this is a dramatization of a psychic event.

11 ways to enhance your ability to pick up on spirit

Enhance Your Mediumship abilities
Learning to connect safely with other dimensional beings is often a concern for people as they explore their mediumship abilities.  Hopefully, some of the following suggestions will help.
1.  Most psychics develop a filter for protection.  Often they will work with a Spirit Guide or Angel that keeps out the bad energies.
2.  It may help to use an affirmation to open and/or close the communicational gate.  One example is to ask for guidance and only allow helpful, loving information to come through.

Some information about psychic mediums and to help with grief

We test and book professional clairvoyant psychic readers by phone. We have over 25 years of experience booking and testing psychics. We are a small, family owned business based in Orlando, Florida. Call us! We love to help. We have new client specials.
Call us at 1-800-966-2294
entertainment 18+

Spiritual Medium - The Other Side Connection

Mediumship is an often misunderstood psychic ability.  Movies and television often supply people with an unrealistic idea of what a connection with the other side might look like.  Look is the key word.  Movies, television, videos, etc. are mostly visual entertainment.  Therefore, they lean toward providing visual cues in order for people to see what they are trying to present.

Mercury Retrograde December 2016

Happy Holidays and Merry Mercury Retrograde.  Mercury retrograde starts December 19, 2016 in Capricorn and backs up into Sagittarius by January 8, 2017.

This retrograde could make the holiday season much more interesting.  Travel delays, miscommunication, misunderstandings, equipment breakdowns, scheduling problems, relationship drama because of communication issues, lost items (track your gifts), and generally being out of sync might just make this holiday season a little more challenging that usual.

A Halloween Topic - Mediumship vs. Channeling

Halloween is often a time when metaphysical questions are on your mind.  Two topics that may be of interest involve an explanation of mediumship and channeling.

Generally speaking, mediumship may be considered the process that takes place when a person (the medium) is used in a cooperating effort between the medium and an entity in the spirit world in order to communicate with a human being.

A channel is usually thought of as the tool that provides the pathway that enables communication.  What do you think of when you hear the word channel?

Psychic medium readers

Psychic medium readers are readers who can pick up energy visually and symbolically in the here and now. A reading with a psychic medium can be amazing. The key is to find the right energy with the psychic medium so they can help with your questions. Psychic mediums act as translators between our physical world and the spirit world. They can then help a client with messages received. What is meant by "here and now" is that the psychic medium picks up on current energy.