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I am a reader. Why can't I read for myself?

I am psychic, why can’t I read for myself?

When learning about your gift and learning how to increase intuition, one of the things a reader needs to learn is how to set boundaries for themselves. They also have to learn how to take their personal bias out of their predictions. Our intuition is off when we read ourselves because we have certain wishes of what we want to happen and it clouds a reader’s judgement. This makes the intuition less accurate because of that wish and bias. It is hard to see the bigger picture because of personal bias and wants.

I am psychic, why can't I read for my friend or family member?

Why can’t I read for my friend/family member?

There is hope for psychic energy vampires

There are some people who are always going to be psychic vampires. They will not be the ones questioning on whether they are psychic vampires or not. They are the lifetime psychic vampires. 

If a person is questioning their energy and whether or not they are a psychic vampire, it signals that person is probably able to work on their energy so they are not a lifelong psychic vampire. They are more of a transient psychic vampire. There is hope for moving forward with good energy and raising vibration. 

Psychic energy types of a psychic vampire

On an average day, a person can run into people who have high vibrations, neutral vibrations or low vibrations. People with high vibrations make others feel really good. Neutral vibrations leave us feeling neither drained or boosted. And, low vibrations tend to make us feel like energy is being drained from us. The low vibrational people are the psychic vampires. 

If you think you are a psychic vampire, there are ways to identify and change your vibrations. If you fall into a state where you are a psychic vampire, there is definitely hope. 

Lifelong psychic vampires versus transient psychic vampires

Lifelong types of psychic vampires do not see or feel a problem with their need for energy. They would not be the ones who would ask if they are a psychic vampire nor would they want to change. If you are asking this question, and you think you are having an issue with energy, you’re probably more of a transient psychic vampire. You can help yourself move forward from being a psychic vampire. 

Am I a Psychic Vampire?

We had a good question from one of our YouTube followers. The person asking was wondering how they could find out if they are a psychic vampire. And if they are a psychic vampire, how do they learn to not be a psychic vampire. 

First, you have to identify if you take more energy than you give. Second, you have to so a self evaluation to identify the best way to work on your energy. Third, you need to soul search in order to raise your vibration so you don’t take energy from others. You can help yourself clear your energy so you aren’t a psychic vampire anymore. 

Master Manipulators, Empathics and the holidays 2018

During the holidays we are often thrown into situations with people we normally avoid. For example, if you have someone in your social sphere that is a master manipulator; hopefully, you are onto their game and usually avoid them. Master Manipulators, sadly, worm their way into most people’s lives at one time or another. They particularly seem to be attracted to empaths. An  empath’s natural ability and desire to help others often makes them an easy target for exploitation. 

The Holidays and Empaths

The holiday season is upon us. There may be lots of exposure to social events where you will probably be mingling with lots of people and combinations of people that are not usually around you. If you are an empath, this could be problematic.

Empaths seem to absorb energy like a sponge soaks up water. People are attracted to empaths because they seem to have the ability to lighten the load for others. Unfortunately, this may increase their personal energy load, causing them experience a psychic short circuit.