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There is hope for psychic energy vampires

There is hope for psychic energy vampires

There are some people who are always going to be psychic vampires. They will not be the ones questioning on whether they are psychic vampires or not. They are the lifetime psychic vampires. 

If a person is questioning their energy and whether or not they are a psychic vampire, it signals that person is probably able to work on their energy so they are not a lifelong psychic vampire. They are more of a transient psychic vampire. There is hope for moving forward with good energy and raising vibration. 

You can work on your energy the same way you work on becoming more psychic. Learn to meditate, set boundaries, journal, take time for yourself, and cleanse your energy. Take time to listen to your friends - spend a whole conversation learning about them. Balance your chakras through diet, exercise and mediation. Grounding, getting outside and breathing fresh air, looking inward for answers and get help if needed.