You've probably heard the word bandied about in the wellness community. Balancing your chakras. Aligning your chakras. Sound familiar?
But what exactly is a chakra anyway? Does it matter in my everyday life? Should I bother learning more about this esoteric concept?
The short answer: absolutely yes!
Chakras have the power to transform your life. That's exactly why you hear spiritually connected professionals like yoga teachers and massage therapists talk about them.
There are some people who are always going to be psychic vampires. They will not be the ones questioning on whether they are psychic vampires or not. They are the lifetime psychic vampires.
If a person is questioning their energy and whether or not they are a psychic vampire, it signals that person is probably able to work on their energy so they are not a lifelong psychic vampire. They are more of a transient psychic vampire. There is hope for moving forward with good energy and raising vibration.
Auras are a colorful energy field that surrounds a being. This energy field is often described as having color, light, sounds, and vibrations.This vibrational information may be observed by those that have the ability to see them.
Auras are produced by the energy from the seven chakras. The health of your spirituality, emotions, and physical being are thought to affect the size of the aura. The layers of the aura seem to expand and contract, depending on what you are experiencing in life.
Chakras pertain to the connection between the mind, the body and the spirit. They are the energy centers of the body. There are seven major Chakras attached to the body.
Chakras populate your body through your spine, mid-section, and head. They are to be numbered from bottom (Chakras 5-7 - lower spine), to the mid-section (Chakra 4) and upward to the head (Chakras 1-3).