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Planetary Retrograde

Six Planetary Retrogrades, a Chiron Retrograde and a Lunar Eclipse

Are you noticing any strange energy? We see SIX PLANETARY RETROGRADES, Chiron Retrograde and we will experience the longest lunar eclipse so far this century. 

Jupiter Retrograde in Scorpio will take place March 8th until July 10th.
Saturn Retrograde In Capricorn will take place April 1st until September 6th.
Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn will take place April 22nd until September 30th.
Neptune Retrograde in Pisces will take place June 18th until November 24th.
Mars Retrograde in Aquarius (goes direct in Capricorn) takes place June 26th until August 27th.
Mercury Retrograde will take place in Leo July 26th until August 19th.

Chiron Retrograde in Aries will take place July 4 - September 26 then into Pisces until February 18, 2019. Chiron is comet. It appears to be aligned with the Six Retrograde Planets and completes the powerful circle.

The Lunar Eclipse (which is usually thought of as feminine energy) occurs July 27th-28th. It is going to be the longest lunar eclipse of this century. This should give a feminine energy boost to all planetary influences. 

With all that Retrograde energy going on, it should be a good time to review your life on every level. A psychic reading by a tested telephone psychic might prove to be an invaluable tool as you try to sort out the overwhelming energy that may bombard you. 

The Summer of 2018 seems to be the Summer of Retrograde truth. Truths should come to surface. You might have to let go of some cherished ideas or toxic relationships. While letting go might be upsetting, truth should provide you with a solid base - enabling you to build on a sturdy foundation.

Retrograde energy this summer can be beneficial. It should assist you in finding insight into the issues that you face. A deeper understanding about your life and the challenges you face may provide you with a great opportunity to take control of your life. If all this energy seems unsettling, remember that revelations may not be comfortable, but should benefit you in the long run if you acknowledge them. You might finally be freed from past burdens and be able to reach new pinnacles in all areas of your life. 

This psychic house cleaning event and opportunity for reorganization that these Summer Retrogrades provide may seem cumbersome. But, when the mess in addressed and cleaned up, you should emerge with a feeling of pride and accomplishment. If you ignore this opportunity, your inner house may continue to be in a state of disarray.

If you need clarification - we have readers who would love to help.