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Psychic Abilities and Increasing Intuition

Psychic Abilities and Increasing Intuition

Being psychic and having intuition are only half of the gift. You can foster the gift to help yourself and people around you. Being awoken to the beauty of the gift is important and probably the reason so many of our followers found us.

Can You Feel Your Intuition?

You are probably psychic or have some intuitive ability. It is up to you to learn from it and learn about your gift.

We believe most people have some sort of intuition and/or psychic ability. There are some people who are born with significantly more psychic ability, but the sixth sense is a very important asset. If a person isn’t born with strong intuition, there are some ways you can build your intuition. We have touched on that topic many times in the past.

It is a personal journey toward psychic abilities. Journaling, meditation, learning to listen, learning about the psychic and metaphysical world, listening to psychics talk about how they found their intuition, and taking time for yourself are all ways you can strengthen your intuition.

In order to improve your accuracy, be sure to journal as much as possible. Journaling will help you reflect and notice small changes in life that are clues to your psychic gift. Your thoughts when you wake up in the morning and when you have insomnia are very important. It helps to keep a journal next to your bed so you can write your first thoughts in the morning.

There are different types and levels of intuition. Some people are excellent with tuning into animals or knowing dream meanings - some get visions in their dreams - some get symbols that have different meanings. Some can communicate without talking - Some feel energy that has crossed over - some hear and don’t necessarily have visions.

Many times if a person is really psychic, they get feelings of deja vu, familiarity, certain hunches when they meet people.

People with psychic tendencies have many different types of triggers of their ability. Psychic triggers can include meditation, near death experiences, trauma, a spiritual journey or being naturally gifted. Naturally gifted psychics can be born with the gift, but they also need to constantly work on their gift to hone their skills. If a person is a naturally born psychic, the gift can be brought to the forefront with understanding and focus. It can also go away if it's not used and worked on. Even naturally born psychics need to work on their psychic skills. Sometimes psychic and intuitive abilities are brushed aside because the people who have them are scared of them or do not understand them.

19 Signs of Psychic Abilites

Some people feel like something is going to happen. Some people “see” crime scenes or events before they happen. Sometimes there is a sense of familiarity in a situation or with a person or location. Be sure to pay attention - and, of course, journal.

Having telepathy with another person - call or text each other at the same time.

We have clients who are so powerful that we will think of them and they end up calling! We always find that so cool.

We do believe your gut feeling is accurate. We always encourage clients to follow their gut instinct. Learning to listen to your gut instinct is very important. It can keep you safe and it can be very helpful in life decisions.

You get certain feelings of good or bad around people when you first meet them.

Always pay attention to your first impressions - first impressions are very important.

Getting an uneasy feeling in a certain situation - be sure to pay attention. That is a time when intuition can save your life.

People who are naturally psychic might have trouble sleeping - OR - have very vivid dreams. The dream state is often where they first figure out their intuition. - Or they are creeped out enough by the dream that they do further research.

Often they have a strong connection to animals. Animals find them and want to be near them. Animals use their intuition for survival. Pay attention to your animals for safety and security.

When you watch true crime shows, you can see the scene - even though it wasn’t shown. This is a sign of clairvoyance. It is not pleasant to be able to remote view crime scenes, but it is a gift.

Call us for a reading! We love to help with relationships, business, psychic and metaphysical issues and questions. 1-800-966-2294

Updated August 2019