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What is it like to be psychic? Am I psychic?

As a psychic line, we believe that everyone has some psychic ability. Some people are born with a stronger psychic sense than others, but intuition is part of being human. When a person develops their intuition, they can start to use it to their advantage. So, in this sense, YES! You are psychic. Many psychics readers are blessed with a strong intuition from the time they are born. Others develop their intuition by learning to listen and feel and pay attention to their intuition.

Understanding Angels

There are different kinds of Angels.  Generally, there are three different kinds of angels that assist us while we exist on the earthly plane.  There are Guardian Angels, Angels, and Archangels.  Angels are all around us.  All we have to do is open our hearts and minds to experience, understand and acknowledge them. 

What do we look for when we test a psychic reader?

Our staff has over 20 years of experience in testing psychic readers for accuracy. This means that before they can join our phone psychic line, the reader must do up to three readings with our staff.  When a psychic calls us for a job at our line, we first ask them a couple of preliminary questions. We want to know how long they have been doing psychic readings, what tools they use, how they pick up on psychic energy, and how they do a psychic reading by phone. We can tell by these initial questions if we want to proceed with letting a psychic read for our line. 

Your Clairvoyance

Clairvoyance simply means "clear seeing."  The person who has this psychic ability generally uses their third eye to visualize events from the past, present or future. 

It is somewhat different from the sort of intuition that most people experience. For example, many people know when someone is going to call them on the telephone. They feel the energy and actually know beforehand who is on the phone even before it rings. This is a common experience. 

Should I choose a strictly clairvoyant psychic or a tarot card psychic?

When you call our psychic line, we go over different types of psychic readers and their specialties. It can be a little tough to determine which type of psychic you should choose, but we do have some very basic guidelines on helping a client choose an accurate psychic reader. We love to play psychic matchmakers. It is fun to put clients and readers together based on their energy. Helping our clients choose is so important to the success of the readings. 

What is a clairvoyant psychic reader?

There are many different types of psychic readers.  As a psychic line, we focus on finding readers who are clairvoyant.  The psychic may also be a psychic medium, tarot card reader, use spirit guides or any other means to pick up on clients and give them an accurate psychic reading.  We find that psychics who are clairvoyant are descriptive in their readings.  When getting a reading by phone, it is important to be able to describe the situation, the surroundings of a situation and see reactions.  

Tarot Card Reading or Clairvoyant Reading? Which should you choose?

Many clients ask if they should choose a Tarot Card psychic reader or a psychic who is strictly clairvoyant.  There are reasons for both and certainly client preferences are important.  Both Tarot card readers and clairvoyant psychic readers are accurate.  It depends on a couple of factors which is right for the client.  Also, we encourage our clients not to rule out a psychic by whether or not he or she uses Tarot.  The accuracy of the phone reading depends on the energy between the client and phone psychic.  

2014 For Fun Astrological Forecast

Astrology is an interesting tool which sometimes can be used for forecasting the future. When you use a sun sign, you usually get a very general forecast. An astrologer can give often give you real insight about many different subjects based on your complete horoscope. To get a complete horoscope you need your birthdate, exact time of birth, and place of birth. Paramount Solutions, Inc. has several tested psychic readers that are versed in the subject of astrology. The year 2014 is here. What general trends are in store for your astrological sign?

Holiday Expectations

We all have high expectations for the holiday season.  Food, family, fun, decorations, travel, parties, donating to charitable causes, presents, giving, etc.  The anticipation is part of the fun.  The build up may also be part of the problem.  If you spend too much time imagining what the holiday will be like and, if it does not quite go that way, you may have set yourself up for disappointent.  The image of happy faces opening the perfect present in a beautifully decorated room surrounded by love and laughter is appealing.&nbsp


There will be a Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio from October 21, 2013 through November 10, 2013.