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7 Ways to help deal with the pandemic for sensitive people

The Coronavirus Pandemic is an exceptionally difficult experience for everyone. If you are a psychic, empath or highly sensitive person, this pandemic is likely difficult for you to manage. Psychics and people who are sensitive have the ability to actually feel how other people are feeling. Their state of mind may be altered when dealing with people that are extremely happy, emotionally angry, sad, scared, or are experiencing other intense emotions.

Can a psychic change my future?

Can a psychic change my future?

There are many people who think a psychic can change their future. However, we want to bust this myth. We are all in charge of our own future. We have our own free will. Therefore, the only person who can change your future is you. We are all in charge of our own lives.

Why do Millennials and Gen Z love psychics?

We have seen multiple articles about how Millennials and Gen Z love psychics. We are not surprised because we have worked in the psychic industry for over 25 years. We cater to clients from all walks for life. We think most people would be surprised to learn how many people regularly call psychics. We also think people would be surprised at how much they would love a psychic reading by phone.

Celebrities Who Like Psychics

We get asked about celebrities who like psychic readings quite a bit. We do have a few celebrities who call us. Getting a phone reading is a good way to get insight without exposing yourself to the world. Phone psychic readings can happen anywhere - this makes them a popular option for celebrities who need insight. Celebrity psychics are in high demand. We specifically look for the best psychic readers for our clients. We never reveal who are clients are or if they have had readings with us. We NEVER reveal any information about our clients - not even our famous clients.

Our Psychics are Relationship Experts

A love psychic reading deals with current relationships, future relationships, divorce, relationship advice, past lovers, commitment issues and love insight. There are some common themes and questions that our clients ask our readers. A relationship reading and a love reading are probably our top area of focus for our clients. It is a very common topic for the readers to look into during a reading. 

Prediction for the week of January 9, 2019

The Psychic Line by Paramount Solutions, Inc. thinks that sharing a prediction for the week starting Wednesday, January 9, 2019, will be interesting. You can take this opportunity to see how a general trend applies to you.

This week’s prediction is that there will a tendency for people to exhibit a tendency toward aggressiveness, defiance, and exhibit strong convictions. People may feel the urge to resist suggestions, communication and avoid change or new ideas. This general trend may cause some explosions or temper tantrums as you move through the week.

11 Reasons to call us and why we are different

Why call us? What makes our service different than any other psychic service?

Spirit Visitation Dreams

We believe spirits are always around us. The energy of crossed loved ones stays with us once the soul of the person has crossed over. Many people use psychic mediums to connect with a crossed loved one’s energy. But, you don’t always need to use a psychic medium for the energy to come through. There are ways to recognize spirit energy around you.