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Blue Moon, Supermoon, Total Lunar Eclipse January 31, 2018

Blue Moon, Supermoon, Total Lunar Eclipse January 31, 2018

A Blue moon, supermoon and total Lunar Eclipse takes place January 31, 2018. This type of lunar event has not occurred for 150 years. We are really excited about it! Lunar energy tends to be be feminine energy. This eclipse also takes place in Leo and ends an eclipse phase which began with the August 7, 2017 partial lunar eclipse.

The Solar Eclipse of 2017 in Leo (another rare event) that happened in the United States during the summer seems to have ushered in the Year of The Woman. Light from the sun was blocked from the earth and should have made female energy stronger. This energy change and shift should have revealed surprising secrets about people with male energy.

This Supermoon should help people understand their basic needs regarding love, their emotions, the resolution of old memories, the ability to sort out problems at home, the enjoyment of the insight that enhanced intuition provides, and the need for security.

Hopefully, the January 31, 2018 Supermoon with a total Lunar Eclipse may make it easy for you to view your life with clarity. This eclipse might just usher in a focus on charity, love, defense of the home, and harmony.