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Mercury Retrograde, March 22 through April 14, 2018

We are officially in the Mercury Retrograde Pre-shadow phase. Mercury Retrograde station happens on March 22, 2018 in Aries. It runs through April 14, 2018 and the post-shadow phase lasts until May 4, 2018. Mercury Retrograde is when it looks like Mercury is traveling opposite its normal direction on the astrological charts. We are predicting April 4th and 5th to be peak rough days of this retrograde. 

Mercury Retrograde, March 22 - April 15, 2018


Mercury goes into Retrograde on March 22, 2018 through April 15, 2018. You probably have already felt the energy. 

What is Mercury Retrograde?

What does it mean with Mercury is in retrograde?

Mercury Retrograde is an astrological event that happens when it looks like Mercury is traveling the opposite direction of what it should travel. It is not actually traveling backwards, it just appears to move backwards. It is an optical illusion - the planets don’t ever actually move backwards, they just appear to move the opposite direction they are supposed to move.

Mercury Retrograde AND a Super Moon this Sunday, December 3, 2017

A word about this weekend - Mercury Retrograde AND a Super Moon. 

Mercury Retrograde station occurs on Sunday, December 3, 2017. Mercury is the planet that rules communication. It will stay retrograde until it goes direct on December 23, 2017. Many people will feel the effects of Mercury's energy for up to two weeks after December 23, 2017. 

With all Mercury Retrogrades, we recommend trying to be creative, giving yourself more down time AND making sure to communicate clearly. 

Tips for the Mercury Retrograde and Solar Eclipse - August 2017

We are officially in the pre-shadow phase for the August Mercury Retrograde. 
The Mercury Retrograde is August 12 through September 5th. Because of the pre-shadow and post shadow phases, some are likely to feel the retrograde energy more than others. 

The big event of the Solar Eclipse on August 21, 2017 will also affect energy. Solar energy is male energy versus the moon is female energy. There are many people who will be in a bit of a bumpy ride because of the eclipse. I would almost think about it as - there will be many male energies that could be moody.