We are open and ready to help though Covid19
We just wanted to give an update to our readers and clients. We are planning on remaining open through the coronavirus situation. We know many of our clients will have anxiety tied to the outbreak and/or they may get bored or lonely at home. We also know our readers usually feel much better when they read through times of crisis. The readers in general prefer to do readings when things are chaotic because they are highly sensitive and it helps their personal energy.
We truly love and appreciate everyone associated with our company. We are a small, family owned and run business. We think of our clients and readers as part of our family.
We do not do medical readings. We have worked in the psychic industry for over 25 years. We want to strongly advise the community to not get medical advice from unknown sources and/or unqualified individuals. If you need medical help - ask your doctor. Bad medical advice can be very dangerous.
We want everyone to listen to the proper authorities for information. It is very important to get medical care from a health professional if you are feeling sick. If you are not sick, please stay at home. We don't want to overload the hospitals. The key to having more people survive is for the sick to be able to get medical care. The less people sick at the same time equals a more positive outcome for the people who do get sick.
The best sites we have found with correct and accurate information are:
The Center for Disease Control
Johns Hopkins University & Medicine
We wish you well. Please take care of yourself and your loved ones.
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