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11 Reasons to call us and why we are different

Why call us? What makes our service different than any other psychic service?

Super Blood Wolf Moon - January 21, 2019

The Super Blood Wolf Moon in Leo plus an eclipse takes place on January 21, 2019.

This is an exciting combination of the following:
A New Moon - this occurs when the moon is closest to the Earth during its orbit.
A Wolf Moon - is simply the name for the first New Moon of 2019.
A Blood Moon - is when a lunar eclipse makes the Moon look a reddish color as it enters the shadow of the earth.
Eclipse - is when the earth blocks the light from the sun to the moon.

New Year's Resolutions by Sun Sign

New year's resolutions by Sun sign:

Aries: Slow down a bit and really pay attention to your partner or those around you. Your constant focus on new, exciting projects can be a bit annoying. You may confuse your partner if you ignore them, then get jealous if they find a new activity to fill their time.

Taurus: Try being a little more open to the opinions of others. There are more choices to handling disagreements than plowing someone over or running away - fast and forever. Your strength is a selling point, your stubbornness  - not so much.

Christmas Gifts by Sun Sign

The Christmas/Holiday Season has arrived with full force. Shopping can be a little stressful. A call to a psychic at The Psychic Line by Paramount Solutions should be able to help you figure out how to handle the stress the holidays might bring.

The Original Solution Psychics at the Psychic Line by Paramount Solutions also offers GIFT CERTIFICATES. If you want to give someone the gift of insight as the New Year approaches, let us know. We will be glad to send you a specially printed gift certificate to fit your specifications. Call the office at 1-800-966-2294 for details.

Reach Out and Show Love

The holidays can be a rough time of year for so many. While it is supposed to be a happy time of year, it can also a nostalgic time where grief and memories can really be difficult. We wanted to encourage each of our followers to reach out and show some love to people who may be having a difficult time. 

Are Tarot Card Readings Accurate?

Are Tarot cards accurate? 

Short answer - Yes, Tarot card readings are accurate. In some circumstances they can actually give more insight into your personal situation compared to different styles of psychic readers. 

5 tips to share your positive energy during the holidays

People are often stressed during the holiday season. Social pressures and holiday expectations might make people nervous, tired, and a little overwhelmed. One of the best gifts that you can give others (and yourself - because what comes around goes around) - is the gift of positive energy. 

I am a reader. Why can't I read for myself?

I am psychic, why can’t I read for myself?

When learning about your gift and learning how to increase intuition, one of the things a reader needs to learn is how to set boundaries for themselves. They also have to learn how to take their personal bias out of their predictions. Our intuition is off when we read ourselves because we have certain wishes of what we want to happen and it clouds a reader’s judgement. This makes the intuition less accurate because of that wish and bias. It is hard to see the bigger picture because of personal bias and wants.