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The Holidays and Empaths

The holiday season is upon us. There may be lots of exposure to social events where you will probably be mingling with lots of people and combinations of people that are not usually around you. If you are an empath, this could be problematic.

Empaths seem to absorb energy like a sponge soaks up water. People are attracted to empaths because they seem to have the ability to lighten the load for others. Unfortunately, this may increase their personal energy load, causing them experience a psychic short circuit.

Relationships, Mercury Retrograde and the Full Moon

The Mercury Retrograde influence combined with the Full Moon on November 23 influence may be disruptive for relationships. A bright spot to focus on during this time of turmoil should be that you may be able to give your relationships the tune up they need in order to be healthy. The timing of this opportunity just before the holiday season might be just the thing to help ease some of the tensions faced during this busy season.

Mercury Retrograde and the Full Frost Moon on November 23, 2018

Mercury Retrograde started November 16th and ends December 6th. Mercury rules communication. When it goes into retrograde, it may cause all sorts of disruptions to our lives. Try to avoid starting anything new, it is a great time to add finishing touches to current or old projects. It is probably a good idea to put off signing legal documents, downloading new software on your computer, scheduling new appointments, posting stuff on social media, etc. Also be aware that your comprehension skills may be sub par.

4 Ways to Recognize a Psychic Vampire

Psychic vampires are regular people who are energy takers. They may or may not know they are energy takers. It is important for sensitive people to be able to recognize a psychic vampire in order to protect their energy.  

A psychic vampire is an exhausting person. They are usually self centered. They look for sensitive individuals who are very empathic and kind. A psychic vampire feeds off empathic energy and personal attention. The more sympathy they get, the more energy they have and the better they feel. 

Mercury Retrograde starts November 16, 2018

Mercury goes into Retrograde on November 16, 2018 causing the usual issues with sending and receiving communications of all sorts. The normal cautions apply: don’t start anything new; be careful about signing contracts; check and recheck schedules; be aware that people may not be able to process the information you are giving them; don’t download new software for your computer; be cautious of posting on social media; and be generally aware that you may be facing some communication challenges.

What is pre-shadow phase and post-shadow phase of Mercury retrograde?

Mercury goes retrograde 3-4 times each calendar year. The Mercury retrograde period lasts approximately 2 weeks. Mercury is the planet that rules communication.