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Spirits Communicating through Dreams

Spirit may also try to communicate with you in your dreams. There is a difference between a regular dream, where the crossed loved one appears, and a dream that includes a visitation. A visitation dream is very comforting. It is truly a gift to someone who has lost a loved one. 

16 signs you have Psychic Medium Abilities

16 Signs of Psychic Medium Abilities

1. You remember feeling or seeing spirits as a child. Seeing spirits and/or having an imaginary friend when you were young are early signs you have mediumship abilities.

2. You have anxiety - It’s not really explainable.

3. A spiritual awakening makes your gift stronger. The more spiritual you are, the stronger the feelings become.

Our thoughts about Long Island Medium, Theresa Caputo - We LOVE her!

We always look forward to the new Season of Long Island Medium which starts April 8, 2018 on TLC at 8/7C. Set your DVRs! Her show is always great. 

This show appears to be a great example of how some readers are able to tune in and share their gift. Theresa Caputo seems to pick up spirit through the use of energy and is generally able to share the information in a highly entertaining, informative, and sensitive fashion. 

Psychic Phenomena - Clairvoyance, psychic mediums, clairsentient and clairaudience

Psychic phenomena is generally defined as something that appears to contradict physical laws and suggests that the cause of an event is from the use of the mind.

An example of a person that claims to use psychic phenomena would be a telephone psychic.  The more common psychic phenomena used on a psychic telephone line would include some of the following:

Welcome Kali!

Welcome to Kali! She is a reader who provides calmness and peace of mind - both essential this time of year. 

Helpful information for a reading with a psychic medium

Different types of psychic readers and the different types of readers specialize in different areas of focus. Tarot card readers are generally better with timing of events. Clairvoyant readers are really good with descriptions and visual impressions of a situation. Psychic mediums are good with picking up psychic symbols and energy that has crossed over.