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The rest of our Facebook series on Attracting an Abundance of Love

Provide self care and self love. Providing love and self care to yourself daily is essential to your well being. That same self care - loving yourself and caring for yourself - helps to raise your frequency. This can take a little time but it is worth it for the quality of your life.
When you raise your frequency, you raise the level of the type of people you attract. When you attract better prospects, you have more opportunity to find the love you want.

Attracting Love - Blog from our Facebook series

There are many types of love that you can attract. You may seek love from a friend, lover, people at work, your family - The first place to start is to focus on what area of love you wish to attract. This will become what you are working towards and lays the groundwork so you can take steps working toward that goal. Identifying and being specific are key components toward future success in any goal. 

Mercury Retrograde in Virgo 2016

Here we go again!  We have a Mercury Retrograde starting on August 30, 2016 in Virgo and ending on September 22, 2016.  

Mercury in Astrology rules communications.  This means speaking, listening, setting schedules, purchases, sales, negotiations, computers, phones, contracts, car computers (breakdown here we come), travel plans, shipping and receiving, computer software, satellites, etc.  When Mercury Retrogrades, chaos may ensue.

Understand Your Psychic Abilities

Psychic abilities are simply extensions of senses that most people possess. These senses have applications in your daily life. In order to understand your particular gift, understanding the terms that fall under the general umbrella of psychic should be helpful.

Psychic Terms and Meanings

Empaths - Experience Another Person's Feelings - Part 2

An Empath has the ability to experience another person's feelings.  It is important to avoid confusing empathy with emotional contagion, sympathy, or telepathy.  When you feel sympathy, you wish for a person to feel better.  Emotional contagion is usually when you feel intense emotions similar to what you may experience at a Rock Concert.  Telepathy is the ability to know how someone may feel because the other person's mind is being read.  There is a subtle difference between knowing and feeling.

Attracting Abundance - Tips to help make your dreams come true

Our next series of posts is going to be about attracting abundance. There will be tips on how to recognize and attract abundance into your life.

In order to attract abundance - you must make positive changes that will help get you to your goal. The following posts will help you learn to focus positive energy to get your idea of what abundance means - and how to gain abundance.

Tip #2 for attracting abundance - Give thanks and acknowledge what you DO have

Attracting abundance:
After you establish your focus, it is time to be thankful for the positive parts of your life that will help moving you toward your next step. Giving acknowledgement and energy toward being grateful will increase your focus on the situation in a positive direction.

Attracting Abundance - Talk to others about your goal

Talk to others about your abundance. Friends, family - whoever will listen. You never know, one of the people you tell might be able to help you reach your abundance goal. We don't get what we do not ask for - If you are wanting abundance - let the world know. Speak of your goal positively. If you focus on the negative aspects, that energy can create a road block that is in the way of your goal.

Attracting Abundance - Get to work!

Once you have your abundance goal, you've told the world and you're focused and creating positive energy around that goal - it is time to do the work. Write out your plan for creating abundance. It could be a simple list or it could be quite detailed. It is a list that will positively guide you toward your abundance.

The list must be realistic and as specific as possible. 

If you are looking for an abundance of romantic love -

Here is a sample of a list that could help you reach your goals.