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Retrograde in Saturn through September 6, 2018

Saturn goes into retrograde in Capricorn April 17, 2018 and ends September 6, 2018. Saturn is often seen as the universe’s strict teacher that pushes us toward truthfully addressing life’s challenges. Capricorn is said to be ruled by Saturn. When the retrograde is in this sign, psychic energy will probably be very strong. This energy should be focused on life lessons, karma, and truth. These are the areas where you may find psychic advice very helpful.

How to calm yourself quickly

How to calm down when things are crazy

We have many highly sensitive people who work with us and who call us. Being highly sensitive is an asset to your life. You are more likely to have intuition and be able to use it. BUT, you also have to protect yourself and learn specific self care that includes being able to calm yourself. 

Mercury Retrograde, August 2017

Mercury Retrograde - August 13 - September 5, 2017 - During the Great American Solar Eclipse

This particular Mercury Retrograde is in Aries. This may lead to people being very frustrated and at the end of their rope. Aries is generally a forward-moving sign. During a Mercury Retrograde, the planet appears to go backwards on the charts and causes some strange events. It is probably a great idea to be very careful about what you say, when you say it, and how you deliver information.