Holiday Drama happens. People may be busy, stressed, tired, and overly excited. Try to avoid drama this holiday by considering the four following suggestions:
Holiday Drama happens. People may be busy, stressed, tired, and overly excited. Try to avoid drama this holiday by considering the four following suggestions:
Hello everyone!
We just wanted to remind our social media and blog family that Christmas and the holidays can be really rough for some people. There have been many losses this year. It may be someone's first or 40th Christmas without their loved ones. The holidays can be very rough for those experiencing grief and loss.
If you can, please extend an invitation or bring a meal to someone who might be having a rough holiday. You can bring the person out for coffee or a lunch - or invite them to your holiday celebration.
We have noticed many psychic and metaphysical gifts that have been popping up at large retailers. We thought it would be fun to share a few links of great gifts for your friends and family. We always think getting a reading is a very thoughtful and fun gift. But sometimes it is also fun to give cleansing, renewal, Chakra support and peace. Here are some of our favorite things that we saw while shopping. Enjoy!