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What Is the Meaning of a White Aura?

Every living thing has an electromagnetic energy field surrounding it. This invisible field of energy surrounding your body is affected by your emotional state.

There are ways to see this normally invisible aura, usually done in an aura reading, in which it may be photographed.

When visible, the aura is made up of colors, each with a different meaning. A person’s aura is generally a combination of several colors but will be dominantly one.

Spirit Signs: 10 Signs a Spirit Is Trying to Warn You

If you're one of the 18% of Americans who have seen a ghost before, you already know what it feels like when a spirit tries to make contact with you. If you aren't, you likely are wondering what the biggest spirit signs are so that you can be aware of those trying to contact you.

Differences between Ghosts and Spirits

Halloween is coming! To say we get excited about Halloween is an understatement. We love all things Halloween. This time of year is a good time for communicating with crossed energies. Ghosts and spirits are VERY different types of energy. We want to clear some misconceptions and teach how to recognize if an energy is a ghost or spirit. Generally speaking, we don’t want anyone to be afraid of ghosts or spirits. We welcome all positive energies here. We believe if more people can tell the difference, they wouldn’t be so scared.

Who Are My Spirit Guides?

Here are some ways to help you identify your spirit guides. You can learn over time to listen to your spirit guides during difficult times of life. Some people can make the mistake of thinking they are listening to their intuition, when they are actually getting messages from their spirit guides. You can have many spirit guides. Some may be assigned to your soul before you enter into the physical world.

7 Ways to See Spirits

Halloween is a great time to explore if you have the psychic ability to see spirits. It is commonly thought that the veil between the earthly and spiritual plane is thinner during the Halloween Season. This should make dimensional communication available to you, if you pay attention.

Spirit Guides and Big Brother's Kaitlyn Herman

We admit, most of our office staff love to watch Big Brother on CBS. We really look forward to it every year. We were SUPER excited to see Kaitlyn Herman who claims to be a life coach and a psychic. She talks about Spirit Guides, Chakras, Auras and other esoteric terms openly. 

We love Spirit Guides. Our readers regularly listen to their spirit guides. We are so happy they are being discussed on the show. 

7 Tips for an accurate psychic medium reading

A reading from a psychic medium is often sought after, yet sometimes misunderstood reading. People have watched television dramatizations of mediumship where tables shake, lights flicker on and off, candles are snuffed, people feel chilled and then the medium appears to be taken over by a spirit that actually may use the medium as a channel. This occurrence often involves some sort of strange voice from a spirit that takes over the conversation. Please keep in mind that this is a dramatization of a psychic event.

You will feel comfortable around your soulmate - not anxious.

Your soulmate isn't the person you meet who makes you nervous, your palms sweat, anxious or knees weak. 
When you meet your soulmate, you will feel calm, without anxiety and without agitation.

Happy New Year 2018 Astrological Predictions by Sun Sign

2018 Sun Sign Forecast

Astrological predictions may help you with a road map on what may happen in the year to come. It is probably helpful to view general astrological trends the same way in which you would look at a road map, it may provide direction – but the details depend on you and where you look.

The year of 2018 should be a year of progress and enjoyment. This is a year where you should be able to use your intuition.