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Summer Love and Saturn Retrograde

Finally, summer is here and the celebrations in the sun begin. A love psychic should be able to provide very interesting readings from a focused tarot spread in order to help you sort out the layers of your love life.You may have a golden opportunity this summer to find true love with your soulmate or twin flame.

Clairvoyant Psychic Readers

We love clairvoyant psychic readers. We specifically look for clairvoyant readers for phone readings because they are visual and descriptive. Visual and descriptive readers can help clients see what they are seeing and feeling. The better a clairvoyant reader can communicate what to watch out for with affirmations, the better the client feels about the reading.

Saturn Retrograde - Summer 2018


This summer’s Saturn Retrograde could be very interesting as Saturn exacts its price for life’s lessons. This Saturn Retrograde may bring up concerns regarding basic rules, father figures, people in authority, and an opportunity to seek truth in relationships.

Of course, communication is usually an important part of our lives. A quick quip regarding Summer Saturn and the importance of honest communication for each sun sign follows:

The Suit of Pentacles

We are continuing the basics of Tarot cards series. This time we are focusing on the Suit of Pentacles. In a Tarot card deck, the Suit of Pentacles is in the Minor Arcana. Pentacles is associated with material and prosperity aspects of life. Depending on how many of the Pentacles show in a Tarot card spread and which cards turn up and their direction the psychic reader should be able to answer questions. 

The Suit of Wands - Tarot Card Basics

We are going to keep going over Tarot cards and their meanings for the next few posts. Tarot cards are an accurate way for readers to help clients. We have many readers who can help with relationships, business, life issues, the future, big decisions and most life questions. 

In the Tarot card deck, there is the Major Arcana and Minor Arcana. The suits; Wands, Swords, Pentacles and Cups make up the Minor Arcana. Each of the four suits have Ace, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten. They also a Page, Knight, Queen and King - the Court Cards.