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Spirit Visitation Dreams

We believe spirits are always around us. The energy of crossed loved ones stays with us once the soul of the person has crossed over. Many people use psychic mediums to connect with a crossed loved one’s energy. But, you don’t always need to use a psychic medium for the energy to come through. There are ways to recognize spirit energy around you.

What are my psychic powers?

Most people have psychic abilities. Some people have one or two abilities – others have many. Kind of like someone that plays more than one musical instrument. Halloween is the time of year when the “veil” is thought to be thinner, making all things psychic stronger. The following list may shed some light on what some of your psychic superpowers might be.

Venus Retrograde - October 5 - November 16, 2018

The turmoil of this wild summer is coming to an end. If you listened to what all the Retrogrades were trying to teach you this year, you should be in great shape to move forward and improve your love life.

8 Ways Spirit May Try to Communicate with You

Halloween is generally considered the time of year when the veil between the earthly plane and the other side thins. This should make communication between the dimensions easier.

Some indicators spirits are near:

1. Are you seeing butterflies? A Chinese legend indicates that if you see a butterfly, a soul has come to visit you from the other side of the veil. If the image of a face flashes into your mind when you see a butterfly, that may be a sign from a loved one that has passed to the other side.

Moving forward into Fall 2018

The summer of retrogrades is officially over. There may be some lingering energy. Your intuition should be enhanced and your inner voice will probably be accurate. You may experience an epiphany of sorts. Be sure to listen to your heart as you move forward and not let progress be derailed by a lingering sense of nervous energy because of the long Summer of Retrogrades.

Recognizing Psychic Symbols

When spirits and spirit guides are trying to communicate with us, they may show up as psychic symbols - cardinals, butterflies, pennies, certain songs and feathers are all examples of spirit showing up in daily life. We always encourage paying attention very closely to what is happening around you in the moment the psychic symbol reveals itself. There could be a message from your crossed loved one or spirit guides. Spirit is persistent. In our daily lives, the messages from spirit can easily be overlooked.

9 Halloween Date Night Ideas

Halloween is one of our favorite holidays. We love fall and everything it brings! Here are 10 fun ideas for Halloween themed date nights:

1. Stay home and pass out candy to the neighborhood children. Enjoy some snacks and wine while doing so. A shared experience should make a fun memory.

2. Get into the spirit of things by decorating your home inside and out. You can come up with a lot of wonderful ideas, if you put your heads together.

3. Go shopping and purchase cool costumes together. You can help each other get out of them later.

Connecting with Spirit

The psychic experience is different for every different psychic reader. Psychic medium readers are psychics who connect with energy from souls who have departed the physical world. A psychic medium is a translator between the spirit world and the physical world. Medium readers are able to lift their energy high enough to pick up messages and symbols from crossed energy. Crossed energy is thought to have a higher frequency than we do in the physical world. A psychic is called a medium because they are the medium energy that can pick up on the higher frequency.

Spirits Communicating through Dreams

Spirit may also try to communicate with you in your dreams. There is a difference between a regular dream, where the crossed loved one appears, and a dream that includes a visitation. A visitation dream is very comforting. It is truly a gift to someone who has lost a loved one.