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The Suit of Wands - Tarot Card Basics

The Suit of Wands - Tarot Card Basics

We are going to keep going over Tarot cards and their meanings for the next few posts. Tarot cards are an accurate way for readers to help clients. We have many readers who can help with relationships, business, life issues, the future, big decisions and most life questions. 

In the Tarot card deck, there is the Major Arcana and Minor Arcana. The suits; Wands, Swords, Pentacles and Cups make up the Minor Arcana. Each of the four suits have Ace, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten. They also a Page, Knight, Queen and King - the Court Cards. 

Each of the four suits represents different aspects of life. The Suit of Wands generally represents optimism, drive, creativity, communication, spiritual, business, negotiations and communication. The suit of Wands is individualistic, it signals personal growth and creativity. 

The suit of Wands is associated with the fire signs in Astrology; Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. If a Wand’s court card comes up in a reading, the client asking the question should look for Aries, Leo and Sagittarius people in their life. Generally, these signs are warm, energetic and spiritual. 

If you have a spread that is mostly Wands cards, you may be looking for direction, meaning and a greater spiritual purpose. The Wands showing up heavily in the reading may signal the first stage of a project or idea. 

Each of the cards in the Wands suit can signal different stages of a situation, different approaches in the situation and different perspectives of the situation. Whether the card is upright or inverse can also signal different meanings. 

The position of the card in the Tarot card spread is important to how the card is translated by the reader. For instance, if the Ace of Wands is in a past position in the Tarot Card spread, it may indicate that the person being read took on a project, venture or change. If the Ace of Wands is in the present position, it may indicate that the person being read is needing to plan and make a move now. If the Ace of Wands is in the future, it indicates the person being read may have a new career, project or path ahead of them. 

The Tarot card deck shown is the Rider Tarot Deck.