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Leo energy and the Super Blood Wolf Moon

Leo energy and the Super Blood Wolf Moon

On January 20, 2019, there is a Super Blood Wolf Moon. The energy could be a little strong. 

The Full Wolf Super Blood Moon/Lunar Eclipse should also make us feel like stepping up in response to the lunar drama that may be entering our lives. This is a rich time to take a look at and deal whatever comes to light at this time. This Wolf Moon will probably give you muh needed strength to move forward toward truth with confidence.

As far as romance, this is probably a great time to cement a relationship. If you have been involved with someone or admiring someone from afar, this might just be the time when the relationship evolves into something meaningful. Soulmates and Twin Flames may find that this is the time to settle things and come together in a positive manner. You may have to wait quite awhile for another cosmic chance like this to make things right.

It should also be a good time to be able to enjoy progress at work, home, school or other areas that involve working with others. 

Remember that Leo is a fixed, fire sign that is all about presentation, attention, and passion. Just think about what you may find out about those that have power over you and how you should best react and respond.