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The Minor Arcana - Cups, Wands, Swords and Pentacles

In a Tarot card deck, the Minor Arcana makes up 56 cards that are in four categories. The four categories are Swords, Pentacles, Wands and Cups. Each of these categories stands for a different area of life. The minor Arcana in the Tarot deck represent what is happening in your day-to-day life. This is compared to the Major Arcana which represent major life changes. The number of each card showing up and where they are in the spread gives the psychic reader an overview of what is happening in your life - mainly if there are big changes coming or more day to day growth.

Notes from Renee's Facebook Live 3-29-17

Mercury Retrograde pre shadow phase has started 
We will go into Mercury retrograde on april 9
You can review last week’s video blog about ways to prepare for MR on our blog at blog

I noticed another topic that I wanted to discuss that has been very popular in the past. 

Developing your intuition.

We have quite a few videos on this topic and there will certainly be more
Intuition is not to be feared.