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The Spiritual Significance of a Blue Moon on Halloween

This Halloween has a special feature: a blue moon.

Halloween falls on Samhain Eve, the day before the Celtic holiday of Samhain. This already gives the holiday acute spiritual significance. Samhain marks the day the Celts believed summer changed into winter. They began their festivities at sunset the night before. 

But this Halloween is especially significant, given that it also coincides with a blue moon.

What is a blue moon, and why is its appearance on Halloween notable?

Take a break from the Olympics to get a reading!

We are VERY excited about the Olympics starting on February 8, 2018. We are sure to be watching the skiers, snowboarders, skaters, bobsledders and all of the winter Olympic sports. We always love to watch the athletes at the top of their games compete in a friendly competition. We think the United States will do very well with numerous gold, silver and bronze metals. 

Blue Moon, Supermoon, Total Lunar Eclipse January 31, 2018

A Blue moon, supermoon and total Lunar Eclipse takes place January 31, 2018. This type of lunar event has not occurred for 150 years. We are really excited about it! Lunar energy tends to be be feminine energy. This eclipse also takes place in Leo and ends an eclipse phase which began with the August 7, 2017 partial lunar eclipse.

Lots of activity in the atmosphere in 2018

We are so excited for the new year! We hope you are excited, too. There will be so many cool astronomical events. Be sure to look up as much as possible! Call us for a reading - We offer personal, private and professional psychic readings by phone. 20+ years of service.