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Mercury Retrograde AND a Super Moon this Sunday, December 3, 2017

Mercury Retrograde AND a Super Moon this Sunday, December 3, 2017

A word about this weekend - Mercury Retrograde AND a Super Moon. 

Mercury Retrograde station occurs on Sunday, December 3, 2017. Mercury is the planet that rules communication. It will stay retrograde until it goes direct on December 23, 2017. Many people will feel the effects of Mercury's energy for up to two weeks after December 23, 2017. 

With all Mercury Retrogrades, we recommend trying to be creative, giving yourself more down time AND making sure to communicate clearly. 

The Super Moon (the only one in 2017) is on Sunday (December 3, 2017) in the evening. The moon will be beautiful! It is going to be huge, bright and closer to Earth than usual. Be sure to look for the moon (it will be hard to miss) and charge your crystals. Full moons can make many people have chaotic energy and may make some people moody. 

Please be patient. We are all in this together!